01.02.2019 - SALEEM SABER office (PTC TEST organization)
The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) organized the workshops at the customers' Turkish Laboratory to explain the new SALEEM Program and the SABER online platform System implemented by SASO.
SASO runs SALEEM program
Further to our previous announcements regarding the SALEEM program for Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) has decided to implement the Saudi Product Safety Program (SALEEM) by launching the SABER platform for online Certification from January 1st. 2019.
Implementation of Stage 2 of the SASO Technical Regulation for Degradable Plastic Products
Important Regulatory Update for Saudi Arabia is here.
14/11/2018 - Update to EER Requirements for Exports of Lighting Products
Lighting products manufacturers and exporters were informed about lighting products such as Lamps, Luminaires and Control gears for the implementation of Energy Efficiency Requirements (EER) for Electric Lamps.Our PTC laboratory SASO 2902 and SASO 2870 accredited studies are ongoing.
Compliance with G-Mark Regulations for Exports to Saudi Arabia
SASO recently enacted the Low Voltage (LV) Electrical Products and Toys G-Mark Regulation and all these products must now comply with the G-Mark Technical Regulation.
SASO Announces New Shipping Certificate for Selected Electrical Exports
SASO has recently made an announcement regarding a new requirement for the SASO Certificate of Recognition which will be effective from February 15, 2018. This is a Mandatory Certificate along with CoC for clearance of Shipment at KSA Customs Ports/Borders.
New Standard for Energy Performance, Water Consumption and Labeling for Washing Machines
SASO has recently made an announcement regarding a new requirement for the SASO Certificate of Recognition which will be effective from February 15, 2018. This is a Mandatory Certificate along with CoC for clearance of Shipment at KSA Customs Ports/Borders.
EER Application in Large Capacity Air Conditioners for Exports to Saudi Arabia
SASO to implement Energy Efficiency Requirements (EER) for Large Capacity Air Conditioners. Continuing with the move to rationalize energy consumption in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, SASO announced the launch of the Large Capacity Air Conditioners Registration Program on the Saudi Label & Standard (SLS) website (www.sls.gov.sa)..
Strengthening testing, inspection and CoC requirements by KSA Authorities for Product Exports to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
All exporters are informed of the following additional requirements for the export of their products to Saudi Arabia.
SASO applies Standard 2203:2015 for Plugs and Sockets.
In addition to the information on the postponement of SASO Standard 2203:2015 in July, another review is taking place, while Standard SASO 2203:2015, which is to be implemented by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) with immediate effect, should now be fully implemented.
SASO revised the Plugs and Sockets Standard introduced in May 2016
Earlier, in May this year, we informed you of the implementation of SASO 2203:2015 - "Plugs and Socket-outlets for Household and Similar Purposes - Safety Requirements and Test Methods" 250 V/13 A", which was published as an update. SASO 2203:2003-Household and Similar General Plugs and Socket-outlets use 220V.